The Planning Division has received a new development application. Please see the information below about project file number Z24-101. The application materials can be accessed from the ATTACHMENTS link below.
Please send your written comments to me by 1/03/2025. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project or issues accessing the application materials.
Project Name:
465 Bowman Avenue Tentative Map
Project Summary:
A request for:
1) Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide one 0.5-acre parcel into 3 residential lots; and 2) Site Plan and Design Review for review of the map with deviations to the minimum required public street frontage and to reduce the minimum required lot width in the single-unit dwelling (R-1) zone.
Note: This property is landlocked and has a 15’-wide ingress/egress easement through parcel 262-0161-015-0000.
Project Location:
465 Bowman Ave.
Council District:
3 – Karina Talamantes
Assessor Parcel Number:
Applicant Name:
Ahsan Sana, Rising Investment Properties Inc.
Applicant Phone Number:
Applicant Email:
Benito Juarez Neighborhood Association
Gardenland/Northgate Neighborhood Association
Natomas Chamber of Commerce
Natomas Community Association
Rancho Del Paso Neighborhood Association
South Natomas Improvement Association
South Natomas United
Citizen Portal
Citizen Permit Portal
(Select “Attachments” under the “Record Info” tab)
(Select “Open Documents Pane” to view in Agency Counter or “Related External Resources” to open the Citizen Permit Portal)