Project Routing: P24-033, Birchway at Natomas Apartments (120Promenade Circle), RZ, DA, PUD AMEND, SPDR, TREE — COMMENTS DUE 12/31/2024

The Planning Division has received a new development application. Please see the information below about project file number P24-033. The application materials can be accessed from the ATTACHMENTS link below.

Please send your written comments to me by 12/31/2024. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project or issues accessing the application materials.


Project Name:

Birchway at Natomas Apartments

Project Summary:

A request for:

1. Re-zone from Employment Center (EC-50-PUD) to Multi Unit Dwelling (R-3A-PUD).

2. Development Agreement between the City of Sacramento and Landowner.

3. Planned Unit Development Guidelines Amendment.

4. Planned Unit Development Schematic Plan Amendment to designate the site for residential use.

5. Site Plan and Design Review for the construction of 378 multi-unit dwellings, resident amenities, and other site improvements totaling 350,050 square feet on 12.9 acres in the Promenade at Natomas Planned Unit Development.

6. Tree Permit for the removal of four private protected trees.

Note: This project proposes 165 park-and-ride spaces at the south of the property.

Requires approval from the City Council.

Project Location:

120 Promenade Circle

Council District:

3 – Karina Talamantes

Assessor Parcel Number:

225-2110-028-0000, 225-2110-055-0000, 225-2110-056-0000, 225-2110-059-0000

Applicant Name:

Kris Steward, Plan Steward

Applicant Phone Number:


Applicant Email:



Natomas Community Association, Natomas Chamber of Commerce, North Natomas Community Coalition, North Natomas Community Association


Citizen Portal

Citizen Permit Portal
(Select “Attachments” under the “Record Info” tab)

(Select “Open Documents Pane” to view in Agency Counter or “Related External Resources” to open the Citizen Permit Portal)

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