Project Routing for Airport South Industrial Annexation (P21-017)

The City of Sacramento Planning Division has received updated plans for the Airport South Industrial Annexation project (P21-017). Please see the information below regarding project file P21-017. The new application materials can be accessed via the ATTACHMENTS link below and clicking on P21-017_PLANS_REV1.

Please send any written comments to me by Monday, December 23, 2024, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project or issues accessing the application materials.


Project Name:

Airport South Industrial Annexation

Project Summary:

A request to annex approximately 475 acres of vacant land into the City of Sacramento. The area is located south of Interstate 5 along Bayou Way, west of Powerline Road, east of the City limits and the Westlake neighborhood, and north of Paso Verde School and the drainage canal. The project includes master-level entitlements for the future development of up to 6,600,000 square feet of light industrial uses, and approximately ±11 acres devoted to highway commercial uses such as hotel/hospitality, service station, and associated parking lots.

This project includes the following major actions:

Annexation to bring the project site into the City of Sacramento, transferring jurisdiction from Sacramento County to the City. This will allow for the development of industrial and commercial uses under City development standards and enable the City to provide municipal services including police, fire protection, utilities, and other essential services to the project area.

Sphere of Influence (SOI) Amendment to determine the probable ultimate physical boundaries and service area of the City, as determined by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). This amendment is required as territory must be within the SOI to be eligible for annexation.

Tax Exchange Agreement identifying the tax sharing between the City, County, and any applicable special districts.

Establishment of PUD Guidelines and Schematic Plan to establish development standards and guidelines for the proposed light industrial park and highway commercial uses, including building design, site layout, and operational criteria.

Prezone to establish M-1-PUD zoning for the industrial areas, HC-PUD zoning for the highway commercial uses, and M-1 zoning for nonparticipating parcels.

General Plan Amendment to modify land use designations to Employment Mixed-Use to allow for the proposed industrial and commercial development.

Bikeway Master Plan Amendment to incorporate new bicycle facilities connecting the project to existing networks in Natomas.

Development Agreement to establish development rights and obligations between the City and participating property owners.

Finance Plan to ensure adequate funding for required infrastructure and services including roadways, utilities, and drainage facilities.

Tentative Master Parcel Map to subdivide the property into industrial parcels, commercial parcels, and public facilities and infrastructure.

Water Supply Assessment to evaluate water availability and service capacity.

Site Plan and Design Review for the master planning of the industrial park and highway commercial uses, including site access, circulation, and design features.

Project Location:

South of Interstate 5 along Bayou Way, west of Powerline Road, east of the City limits and the Westlake neighborhood, and north of Paso Verde School and the drainage canal

Council District:

1 – Kaplan

Assessor Parcel Number:

225-0020-023-0000; 225-0020-022-0000; 225-0020-024-0000; 225-0020-034-0000; 225-0020-035-0000; 225-0020-030-0000; 225-0020-026-0000; 225-0020-027-0000; 225-0020-021-0000; 225-0020-016-0000; 225-0020-017-0000; 225-0020-010-0000; 225-0020-032-0000; 225-0020-033-0000; 225-0030-024-0000; 225-0030-048-0000; 225-0030-023-0000; 225-0030-045-0000

Applicant Representative Name:

Nick Advis

Applicant Representative Email:



North Natomas Community Association
Natomas Community Association
North Natomas Community Coalition
Westlake Master Association
Natomas Chamber of Commerce
Preservation Sacramento



(Click on the “Open Documents Pane” to access application materials)


Application submitted: May 2021

Community Open House held: November 2022

Planning & Design Commission Review and Comment: April 11, 2024

Draft EIR Released (45-day review period): May 31, 2024

Final EIR Preparation: Winter 2024/2025

Upcoming Hearings (dates TBD):

· LAFCo – Sphere of Influence Amendment

· Planning & Design Commission – Project Entitlements

· City Council – Annexation and Entitlements

· LAFCo – Final Annexation Decision

For the complete project timeline and additional information, please visit:

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