Project Routing: P22-047, Independence in Natomas at North Park Drive (Kankakee Dr/North Park Dr) RZ; TSM Condo; SPDR — COMMENTS DUE 11/29/2024

The Planning Division has received a revised development application. Please see the information below about project file number P22-047. The application materials can be accessed from the ATTACHMENTS link below.

This project file was previously routed on November 29, 2022, June 30, 2023, and April 29, 2024. Changes from the prior submission include:

Revised elevations (colors, materials, enhanced features)
Revised Civil Plan
Street cross-sections provided

Please send your written comments to me by 11/29/2024. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project or issues accessing the application materials.


Project Name:

Independence in Natomas at North Park Drive

Project Summary:

A request for: 1) Rezone of 2 vacant parcels located at the corner of Kankakee Drive and North Park Drive of approximately 10.8 acres from Single-Unit or Duplex Dwelling (R-1A-PUD) to Multi-Unit Dwelling (R-2B-PUD); 2) Tentative Map for Condominium Purposes and 3) Site Plan and Design Review for the construction of 85 duplex dwellings (170 units) within the Creekside Planned Unit Development.

Requires City Council level review.

Project Location:

Corner of Kankakee Drive and North Park Drive: 0 North Park Drive & 0 Kankakee Drive

Council District:

1 – Lisa Kaplan

Assessor Parcel Number:

225-1780-003-0000 & 201-0300-145-0000

Applicant Name:

Rob White, Lewis Land Developers, LLC

Applicant Phone Number:


Applicant Email:



North Natomas Community Association, Natomas Community Association, North Natomas Community Coalition, Natomas Park Master Association, Natomas Chamber of Commerce, Creekside Natomas Neighborhood Association


Citizen Portal

Citizen Permit Portal

(Select “Attachments” under the “Record Info” tab)


(Select “Open Documents Pane” to view in Agency Counter or “Related External Resources” to open the Citizen Permit Portal)

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