The Planning Division has received a revised development application. Please see the information below about project file number P24-008. The application materials can be accessed from the ATTACHMENTS link below.
This project was first routed on 4/9/2024. Changes from the initial submission include but are not limited to:
Rezone request amended from SC-PUD to C-2-PUD.
Phasing plan included:
Phases 1-3 included in plans (P24-008_REV1_PLANS-ARCHITECTURE.pdf and P24-008_REV1_PLANS-ARCHITECTURE.pdf)
A conceptual 4th “intensification phase” is provided as well (P24-008_REV1_PLANS-INTENSIFICATION.pdf) to show that at full build-out in the future the overall site can comply with the 0.5 minimum required Floor Area Ratio (FAR).
Phase 4 is conceptual, and square footages are not included in the numbers below.
Increase in Phase 1-3 square footages:
Overall square footage increased from 192,400 SF to 229,400 SF.
Parcel 1: 12,700 SF to 15,800
Parcel 3: 9,200 SF to 9,900 SF
Parcel 6: 6,300 SF to 6,200 SF
Parcel 8: 99,200 SF to 131,800 SF
Parcel 9: 35,600 SF to 36,300 SF
Increase in number of residential units from 103 to 140 multi-unit dwellings.
Studio Units: 17 to 19
1 Bedroom Units: 69 to 102
2 Bedroom Units: 17 to 19
Increase in commercial square footage: 93,200 SF to 97,600 SF
Increase in residential square footage: 99,200 SF to 131,800 SF
Edits to PUD language provided:
Includes new signage program for the project site.
New Pedestrian Circulation exhibit.
Loading dock added to “Major 2”.
Vehicle connections to proposed apartment complex to the south provided.
Class 1 multi-use path provided at southern property line (parcel 8) and along Five Star Way.
Driveways on both Sports Parkway and Five Star Way reduced from 2 to 1.
Please see P24-008_REV1_APP-RESPONSES.pdf for responses to comment letters provided for this project. This document also lists further changes to the project made by the applicant.
Please send your written comments to me by 11/22/2024. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project or issues accessing the application materials.
Project Name:
2380 Del Paso Road
Project Summary:
A request for:
1) Rezone from the Employment Center (EC-40-PUD) zone to the General Commercial (C-2-PUD) zone.
2) Planned Unit Development Guidelines Amendment to amend guidelines referencing this parcel and add a new signage program.
3) Planned Unit Development Schematic Plan Amendment to designate the site for Commercial uses.
4) Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide 2 parcels into 10 parcels.
5) Site Plan and Design Review for the construction of 229,400 square feet of residential and commercial development including the construction of 140 multi-unit dwellings on a 18.5 acre parcel in the EC-40 (Employment Center) zone and Del Paso Road PUD.
Requires approval from the City Council.
Project Location:
2380 Del Paso Road
Council District:
1 – Lisa Kaplan
Assessor Parcel Number:
225-0070-084-0000, -085
Applicant Name:
Tiffany Wilson, RSC Engineering, Inc.
Applicant Phone Number:
Applicant Email:
Natomas Chamber of Commerce
Natomas Community Association
North Natomas Community Association
North Natomas Community Coalition
Citizen Portal
Citizen Permit Portal
(Select “Attachments” under the “Record Info” tab)
(Select “Open Documents Pane” to view in Agency Counter or “Related External Resources” to open the Citizen Permit Portal)