Planning and Environmental Review- Upper Westside Specific PlanDEIR Released

To all interested parties,

NOTICE is hereby given that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been prepared by the County of Sacramento, State of California, and is available for public review pursuant to State of California, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for the project listed below.

Proposed Project: Upper Westside Specific Plan (State Clearinghouse No 2020100069, County Control Number PLNP2018-00284)

Review and Comment Period: August 29, 2024 to October 14, 2024; however comments will be accepted up until the Monday, October 21st Planning Commission hearing.

Project Location: The Project encompasses approximately 2,066 acres in the unincorporated Natomas community of Sacramento County, approximately 3.5 miles from downtown Sacramento. The Project area is bounded by Interstate 80 to the south, the West Drainage Canal to the east, Fisherman’s Lake Slough to the north, and Garden Highway to the west. The Project is located outside of the County’s Urban Policy Area (UPA) and Urban Services Boundary (USB), and is bounded on three sides by the City of Sacramento, bordering the communities of North and South Natomas.

Project Description: The Specific Plan would encompass a 1,532± acre Development Area and a 534± acre Ag Buffer Area that is located west of the Development Area, providing a transition to the Garden Highway. Within the Development Area, the project proposes an urban, commercial mixeduse town center district near the intersection of El Centro Road and West El Camino Avenue surrounded by neighborhoods. The Development Area includes 9,356± dwelling units and 3,096,245± square feet of commercial uses, with three K-8 school sites, one high school site, and several parks. Other amenities include trail networks, a greenbelt and urban farm corridor, and a canal system that will all encourage pedestrian and bicycle use by providing connections between neighborhoods.

In addition to the adoption of the Specific Plan, the Project will require amendments to the Sacramento County UPA and USB boundaries. The Project also requires amendments to the General Plan to include the proposed policy amendments and land uses, streets and bikeways on the General Plan’s Land Use Diagram, Transportation Plan, and Active Transportation Plan. The Project will also require adoption of a Water Supply Master Plan amendment, and a Water Supply Assessment pursuant to California Water Code.

Significant Environmental Effects: The DEIR identified that the project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to aesthetics, agricultural resources, air quality, cultural resources (historical resources), noise, population and housing, transportation, and tribal cultural resources. The project would result in impacts that are less than significant or less than significant with mitigation with respect to airport compatibility; biological resources; climate change; cultural resources; energy; geology, soils, and mineral resources; hazards and hazardous materials; hydrology, drainage, and water quality; land use; public services; public utilities; and water supply.

WHERE DRAFT EIR MAY BE REVIEWED: The Draft EIR is available for review during normal business hours at the Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review Division in Sacramento (827 7th Street, Room 225, Sacramento, CA 95814).

The DEIR as well as other project documents and details may be reviewed at the internet and/or physical address below:


Sacramento County,

Department of Community Development, Planning and Environmental Review Division

Attention: Environmental Coordinator

827 7th Street, Room 225

Sacramento, CA 95814;

Comments can also be emailed to CE**@sa*******.gov no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 14, 2024. Failure to comment will not preclude your right to testify at a future public hearing for the proposed project.

PUBLIC HEARINGS: The County Planning Commission will hold a public meeting to accept public comments on the project and close the public comment period on Monday, October 21, 2024.

An additional public hearing for the project will be held at the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors after preparation of a Final EIR. The date, time, and place of the Planning Commission hearing are presently unknown. An additional notice providing the date, time, and place of the Planning Commission hearing will be provided once a date has been finalized.

Agendas and materials for Sacramento County public meetings can be found at:

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