Exterior Fencing

Site plan and design review to add 8' high wrought iron fencing at entry of existing building.
Project Name: Exterior Fencing
Project Summary: Site plan and design review to add 8′ high wrought iron fencing at entry of existing building.
Project Location: 3640 NORTHGATE BLVD, SACRAMENTO, CA 95834
Council District: 3, Karina Talamantes
Assessor Parcel Number:                 250-0360-018-0000, MAP LINK
Applicant Name: John Chapman


Applicant Phone Number: 702-239-8717
Applicant Email: chaparch@gmail.com

South Natomas United
Natomas Community Association
South Natomas Improvement Association
Rancho Del Paso Neighborhood Association
Benito Juarez Neighborhood Association
Natomas Chamber Of Commerce
Gardenland/Northgate Neighborhood Association

Citizen Portal Accela Citizen Access (Attachments under “Record Info” tab to access attachments)
AGENCY COUNTERNEW! https://agco.link/b5Z0wc

 Whitney Johnson

Assistant Planner, Design Review

Community Development Department

Cell: (279)248-0688

300 Richards Boulevard, 3rd Floor

Sacramento, CA 95811



Due to heavy project volumes our benchmarks have changed to:

Staff level – 2-3 months

Director level – 4-5 months

Commission level – 6-7 months

Project tracking service: https://sacramento.agencycounter.com/


TO LOOK UP ZONING, design review districts, historic distircts, parking district, SPD etc. please copy this link into your URL:


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