Duckhorn Drive Tentative Map

The Planning Division has received a new development application. Please see the information below about project file number Z23-085. The application materials can be accessed from the ATTACHMENTS link below.


The Planning Division has received a new development application.  Please see the information below about project file number Z23-085.  The application materials can be accessed from the ATTACHMENTS link below.

Please send your written comments to me by 1/5/2024. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project or issues accessing the application materials.

Project Name: Duckhorn Drive Tentative Map
Project Summary: A request for: 1) Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide an approximately 22.69 acre parcel, developed with an existing vocational school into 2 parcels in the Employment Center (EC-50-PUD) Zone and within the Cambay West and Gateway West Planned Unit Development; and 2) Site Plan and Design Review for the review of the map layout.


Requires Director level review.

Project Location: 4100 Duckhorn Drive
Council District: 1
Assessor Parcel Number: 225-0310-034-0000
Applicant Name: Steve Norman, CNA Engineering Inc
Applicant Phone Number: 916-224-3746
Applicant Email: st***@cn****.com
MRC Date:

North Natomas Community Association, Natomas Community Association, North Natomas Community Coalition, Natomas Chamber of Commerce, Witter Ranch Community Alliance, Preservation Sacramento, Civic Thread, Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates, Region Builders

Citizen Portal Accela Citizen Access (Click on Attachments under “Record Info” tab to access attachments)

Best regards,

Deja N. Harris
Assistant Planner, North Area (North Natomas, South Natomas, North Sacramento)
Planning Division | Community Development Department
300 Richards Blvd., 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 808-5853 | dn******@ci**************.org

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